From Twitter 12-18-2009

  • 03:06:35: Just installed the new News and Weather widget from the "Nexus One" google phone runs perfectly on my G1
  • 11:49:57: Just installed the new News and Weather widget from the "Nexus One" google phone runs perfectly on my G1 RT @LevelTen_Colin Is Google Buyin
  • 14:06:57: RT: @elysa quick, where's my tin foil! - This photo is too funny not to pass along: If you click through to fl...
  • 19:58:20: Playing with a big bottle of acid, no kidding. (I'm filling my new motorcycle battery) #nofingers #motorcycle #repair

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From Twitter 12-17-2009

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From Twitter 12-16-2009

  • 15:01:43: Our office building is using the fire alarm system to announce the start of holiday tenant appreciation party! Panic! Confusion? Party?!?
  • 15:45:48: HTC sent @levelupstudio a C&D for selling HTC like widgets and now it appears HTC may the sense widgets themselves

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Back to Blogging with Blogaway

I typically don't write blog posts. I instead use this website as a way to easily compile my shared news stories, video finds and live feeds (twitter and video streams). Like most folks, I like to share links and other bits of finds from around the web. Micro blogging be it twitter or facebook updates is quick and painless. But being a media junkie, these items deserve context.

Blogaway is a simple but easy to use blogger client for andriod phones. These tools have existed for wordpress blogs for a while. It suprises me that google hasn't yet developed an application for its android users. Over the next couple days, I'm going to test blogaway and hopefully build a habit of adding context through proper blog posts to my mass of links and feeds.

I'll keep you posted.

From Twitter 12-15-2009

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From Twitter 12-14-2009

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From Twitter 12-13-2009

  • 19:28:19: Taking a time out from learning java... now I remember why I stopped programing at visual basic

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From Twitter 12-12-2009

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Simplicity Edited by Ipiet's Template