- 09:53:06: RT @craighcollins: #Twitter reckoned to be planning new advertising-funded model http://budurl.com/89yy
- 17:50:20: RT @GuyKawasaki: Knowing iPhone and Android users through their click rates http://tinyurl.com/yzbcrzm
- 18:02:24: Shared: Want to Share a Message on Twitter? Talk About Twitter http://bit.ly/9A3yA3
- 18:02:25: Shared: Edelman: Typosquatting Costs Google Advertisers $497M Per Year http://bit.ly/baRGtP
- 18:02:28: Shared: Facebook Drives 3X Traffic to Broadcast Than Google News http://bit.ly/arLDWu
- 18:04:48: Nielson 09 ad spending declines. Auto spend falls $2b. Digital spend up 21%, It's all @ doing more with less http://tr.im/QiB3
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