- 13:15:55: Shared: Facebook Patents News Feed, Social Net Confusion Ensues http://bit.ly/9L0hez
- 13:15:58: Shared: Facebook Discloses How Much Money It Makes From Facebook Credits http://bit.ly/d09CQW
- 13:16:00: Shared: Social Media Decoded http://bit.ly/aPdeMw
- 17:32:45: Did you know that the keyboard shortcut for paste special is also the Outlook shortcut for send? I do now.
- 18:06:52: Shared: Flash 10.1 snubbing non-ARMv7 Android devices, too? (update: yes) http://bit.ly/9cNyVf
- 18:06:53: Shared: Remarkable Stats on the State of the Internet [VIDEO] http://bit.ly/bLUqFl
- 18:06:56: Shared: Where virtual worlds once ruled, Farmville dominates http://bit.ly/cReRl5
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