- 11:50:19: Shared: LIVE VIDEO AT 11: 30 A.M.: Whitacre to become GM's permanent CEO http://bit.ly/7Bu4Nd
- 12:46:02: run Windows 3.1 in your browser, http://www.michaelv.org/ this takes me back...
- 14:55:15: Top 10 akward social media moments according to Inc. http://bit.ly/77PC0m Lots of good lessons offered in these mistakes
- 15:21:48: @chris_c110 What else can you expect, I do nerdy very well.
- 16:26:42: Wed 7-4 New Fox show Code58 w/ Bradley Whitford & Colin Hanks shooting in Dallas Map: http://tr.im/LAdm Show: http://bit.ly/6RHDEr
- 18:27:21: RT @LevelTen_Colin RT @modassic: MODassic is hiring! Must be able to design & implement. Good clean HTML/CSS. Contact us: www.modassicmarket
- 19:42:04: Shared: Drink Great Wine on a Budget http://bit.ly/6BhWoY
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