- 11:55:05: What is the impact of ads on your site? @JaymFriedman new post http://tr.im/KTlg 41% of Americans avoid sites due to intrusive ads
- 12:01:29: @DroidHead_Ryan I check the latest listing of cooked roms from Androidspin but typically review the forums at XDA before flashing
- 12:46:58: Shared: Apple and TBWA's 'Get a Mac' campaign: Watch all 66 TV spots that have aired so far http://bit.ly/6fyozp
- 12:47:00: Shared: Android popularity increases 200 percent over last 3 months http://bit.ly/4Prk7G
- 13:18:02: Shared: Bank Of America Not Denying Loans To Saab Buyers [Carpocalypse] http://bit.ly/7t1z5m
- 14:13:15: Shared: Profile of a Status Updater: It’s a Woman’s World [Report] http://bit.ly/7gt8Nr
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