- 11:51:38: Shared: Netflix Voyeur [NetFlix] http://tinyurl.com/yd4xxos
- 13:21:20: Shared: Why Ford Could Be the Next Media Company http://tinyurl.com/yeqpej3
- 13:30:43: If you're also an ad nut, you'll enjoy vintageadbrowser.com a database of vintage ads
- 13:39:19: Still have a couple google wave invites, if you're interested in one @BritCrit or DM me #Google #Wave
- 14:21:42: Shared: Microsoft's Windows and Office "Rental" Licenses Make No Sense [Microsoft] http://tinyurl.com/yl4rlk8
- 17:37:25: The last decade as seen through magazine covers http://tr.im/K6DM created by Magazine Publishers of America
- 17:43:34: @LevelTen_Colin RT @arikhanson: Is it unethical to tweet and not disclose client relationships? Yes, AstroTurfing is very bad for you/client
- 17:47:47: RT @arikhanson: Head spinning will now commence... RT @griner How fast is social media growing? Watch it in real time: http://bit.ly/8DDvd6
- 17:59:17: @MShahab given our conversation last week you should follow @creny #auto #advertising
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