- 14:29:25: Hacking FB add FB status to Google Reader grab RSS link http://www.facebook.com/notes.php and edit URL from friends_notes to friends_status
- 14:46:40: @ashwiniu Fast Company had the exact same thought about global warming http://tr.im/JIKA #GlobalWarming #Freezing
- 14:51:38: Shared: It May Be Freezing Today, but Global Warming's Still a Fact http://tinyurl.com/yk62fvf
- 16:51:27: Shared: How to Reach Out to Bloggers http://tinyurl.com/yb6wn2f
- 16:51:31: Shared: Android News Roundup http://tinyurl.com/y98ems8
- 17:36:58: I think I just found my next building project, "the most useless machine ever" http://tr.im/JJDh
- 20:22:29: @internetjoke I know isn't it great!
- 20:41:45: @servicetattler Count me in, I'd be happy to beta test it. Caught your demo http://tr.im/JKrH on @AndroidGuys a while back
- 20:51:02: Shared: Fandango Releases Official App for Android http://tinyurl.com/yzvtyvb
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